Monday, January 10, 2011

What To Write In A Wedding Card Sister

Improving Self-Esteem How much money do you want to win this year?

Author: Camilo Cruz
scientist, writer, consultant and international lecturer, University Professor, Businessman
people believe that the amount of money they can earn during the year is one of the factors on which they have little or no control. However, all have the ability to determine our income. But how to identify this number?

For example, if you want to win this year $ 50,000, the next step is to determine what amount or volume of sales will be made to generate this amount. Heard right, sell! If you're thinking, but I'm not a seller. I want you to understand the most important rule as far as revenue generation is concerned, we are all salespeople!

all sell our professional services, our experience, our skills and our time. The market simply arranges to pay us the price we consider just according to our work adds value to the market.

So take this goal and divide it into smaller steps. Determines what will be your monthly profit target. Remember that the best way to achieve a goal, however great it may seem, is divided into smaller goals, objectives and activities that you perform every day.

If you take the annual income you want to receive and divide by the number of months and weeks of work during the year, you can determine what your financial goals should be monthly, weekly and daily.

From the moment you made these calculations, while you're at work Refuse to do any activity that does not pay you fifteen dollars per hour. Identify, in your work or your business, actions that affect your productivity and that if run properly, can increase your entries.

What are the actions that belong to the 20% that affects your productivity, if you take them out? Are those that contribute to your personal development which, in one way or another, you come to the realization of your dreams or goals. Many professionals - especially those who require flexible schedules and constantly leaving the office - tend to mix their professional duties with other activities that have nothing to do with their work and which obviously do not pay when fifteen U.S. dollars (buying the house, wash the car, make personal phone calls or any other form of wasting time.) You can not act this way and still expect to earn $ 30,000 a year, as this would be a violation of the law of cause and effect.

When you're at work, ask yourself if the activity you are doing, or are about to perform, is part of 20% produce 80% of your success.

Just knowing what it's worth an hour of your time, based on the financial goals you want to achieve, you can appreciate it better and helps you make decisions more successful in terms of how to invest.

As a professional, the only thing that really matters to offer is your time, so use it wisely.


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