Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cheap Retaining Wall Ideas


Ando a little lost. Writing. Writing. Writing. Written. I wrote. Writing. Writing. Thinking. Deleting. Remembering. Purging. Digging. Review. Invented. Imagine. Being. Ceasing to be. Deciding. Back. Screaming. Silence. Hiding.

I still have few fueza for blogging, the truth is that everything I am doing in the two projects that I have decided to concentrate. Had I known this was going to do so I would have gotten a firefighter. Now I understand why I spent so much time trying to do something else. Trying to devote to something that was more of everything but this.

This emotionally worn to the point that there is no way to explain it. Sometimes I have the soul like a pass. These boxes out of a red. Black and wrinkled. Scrutinized yourself, get in different roles is very complex. One is found and lost, found and lost.

Sometimes I feel like the sea. Other rigid as a tree. Other unstable as sand. Other more like a muffin. One feels that it is everything and nothing.

I do not take much, but I have not finished. I'm here. I have not gone. Is what I wanted to tell today. I have to for this chair because the periods of writing are so intense I can not stand or back, and eyes.

Here we go. Every day requires less.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Feeling Sick And White Spots On The Tongue

Safety Tips

This came out yesterday El Universal, the title to avoid being victims. We are evil to the dwellers in the City of Fury, although as in this city, has its dark side. Here I put what I thought when I read it, but good advice that basically it is worth considering. I leave out for them.

1. keep a low profile. Do not wear jewelry and cars out in discrete, preferably out in groups. Sal

bare your house, do not ever put on this butterfly dijecito says that although China is Made a gold chain as a rapper. Nothing bracelets, or trinkets, or zarcillitos, or anything like that. And do not ever give away or a "virgin plis" this December, in this country, the medal is as the procession inside. Giving away things like that is like telling someone "takes for you to die." Best print these you give and say, "to see how I love you." It is also much cheaper.

Lo is better if you leave a group, good for the single woman is terrific excuse to invite that majarete to leave, but also the drama of whether or not to fish calarte slime that is the only dog \u200b\u200bthat barks you .

2. Avoid out at night. More to remote locations if you do not know.

Avoid going at night: Tremendous calarte excuse for any of those tragic Christmas dinners, home of the friend whose mother makes a stumbling hallacas with tomatoes and whole garlic cloves. Of course this is a tragedy for the man mounted horns and an excuse for every time one says "now go out with my friends," the guy who throws a modern saying "I do not think it is not because I do not want to go, is that the country's situation is not for women to walk out alone. "

3. Tell your family when you go to where you , and if going home. Maintain a safe and quick communication with their families always carry a means of communication.

Tell those close to where it is: my mom pussy please Do not read this thing, because even though I have thirty-one years the "where are you going? Who? Mariana why? "I know her? What school? What restaurant? What time do you get? Are you going to go well? Are not you going to comb? No. God, if you see that we are ready, now the sermon will be extended fifteen minutes: "I do not answer well, look what I have to know did you not see the article in El Universal? Fack!

4. Watch what happens around . Detect strangers car, suspects and, if necessary, notify the police, but go to a site with lots of pedestrian traffic. First

this advice, all at the same time you can not follow or Jack Bauer. I miss here is the whole world. Those of us who have been left in this country we are all crazy. Today, the kidnappers are in cars better than one, with a blackberry more horny than one with an iPod touch, with a brand sunglasses. That was before a thief you came with a penknife to Decit "Mommy give me separate." Now the more normal it seemed the person flees faster. Here the people are stripping good ball, the rogue is doing well.

Then is the call to the police, is to fuck? I every time I see one of those checkpoints are as promoters think spreading propaganda, but in this case choros band.

5. Change your routines. Do not go to the same hours from home or work. Be unpredictable.

not get on the same hours of work. Tremendous excuse for being late for work. "It's just that today I had to leave an hour later because I'm changing the routine to the kidnappers." Of course you have your flat, because then you have to stay an hour glued to the computer per the same reason.

6. Cree consciousness. Keep your family and employees aware of the risks and modes of operation of kidnapping gangs. Make them aware of how to act.

This is what earns you the reputation of hysterical, paranoid, I know several (occasionally myself) who follow this rule to the letter. It's that you say "Hey, premiered the new film by Julia Roberts." "So? What difference does it make? Can not go to the movies. You can attack on the road, or parking lot, it seems that the cinema queues steal your blackberry. Moreover, in Caracas "a dark age? but what do you think what I'm what? "Cool McCool? In addition to the exit is dangerous, and above all you can throw in the popcorn burundanga. "Yes, this is not necessary. From this we have enough.

7. Be careful . Do not talk to the staff you have at home and office about your possessions, and check, if possible, if these people have a history.

This I love. This is aimed at all the sifrino which only talk about things like that, "or fairy, is that this weekend we're going to Moustique." Or this range which is even worse than saying things like "Paris on this date is a disgust, that you come and say, but hey what happened here. Oh no. Fatal. "It is not for, not for, not for, not to speak of things you have, which bought the brand of something or other, the kind of do not know how. Gentlemen, as well as ugly as you see here have a reason to change the subject.

8. Be discreet. No place in social networks data or pictures that could be attractive to criminals, and instruct his family not to do so.

Well this is a dead letter for many people. If you live in the developed world have more freedom, although their cases were heard. But here City of Fury is who tweet, "I'm in Chama Street Colinas de Bello Monte, just getting to the bakery and tweeting from my blackbery with my yellow shirt." Or put in Facebook albums that range from: My house with all the photographic tour. My birthday with a whole family tree. And then they mounted mobile photos, since I bought a boat to "here I am with George and Gaby with mega Ipad I just bought in CCMillenium I go EVERY DAY BREAKFAST."


is that when you see people at parties around them say, "porfis, I mountains photos on Facebook that I do not like a lot. "Well, turn around and give you a talk that could be summarized in three words: Ferrer. Lupita Ferrer.

People, Facebook is fun, I do not judge you if you lose your time or not, I have this blog is not for me to tell anyone how to use their time more than one will say that what this Geva ball rising at 5:30 to write "a book about what? ... fuck no!"


I get every day, not criminalized, but Facebook is how the street. If I would not put on the blog, at least on Facebook. If you do not stop a stranger on the street say, "Hey doctor, look at this Photo of Gaby when she gave birth that she almost looks a tit. "Then there's mountains. At least that's my philosophy.

9. in transit. Keep windows up and a safe distance from car in front that allows you to maneuver if necessary.

in transit. Well I have no one to go with the windows up because if they are under my clunker I need a gruero to make them up. And as a prudent distance, very nice and all, but here if you leave more than eight inches from the car in front of you and yours spend several things: 1. You colean the living. 2. You put the bikes and if they impact you are thrown the floor and there is tragedy. 3. On the back it looks like he had swallowed a nail you meters the horn and start insulting you.

The safe distance is what brings you less trouble.

10: not stop. Do not give assistance to anyone or attend motor applications, if you want to help leave the area and call the police or firefighters.

If you see an old woman lying on the floor, as they fuck. Or that it was your aunt. Moreover you call your aunt at the time "Auntie, what else? How do you keep the tension? Aunt Well then do not go, because if you get a patataús on the street is going to pick Mayu. Already know?

Now, which "meets the application" of a motor, because you stopped on the street and not visible to have an emergency, I expect the motor will say "nooo vaaaleee, I will not fool Robal pol . Bug dumber. "

11. If you intercept . Try to run away, turn the alarm horn touches, the attention and if you clog a vehicle crash that closes in the middle because that will disable it. Here

tell you I miss you boot your shirt and show the S's on your chest. The reality is that 90% of cases you're fucked if you intercept, and if you try that you can not fuck you fuck. Unless you beat the other twin and you can make ice bazooka or turpial and fly.

Moral: It is prudent and wise to take these things into account immediately, though some have their other side.

At the same time, encerrándote and amargándote, not down the glass or to grab a parking ticket, and pulling the cart as if you were Jack Bauer and arming a fart if you chocking a safe car in which there is a armored type willing to shoot you and accomplishes nothing.


am hoping we finish we all sick of it to make a strong statement, as has been done in Colombia and Spain, or that priest famous in Mexico. I do not know what else we are waiting. We may live in peace and we must demand it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Happened To Fakku .net Down


Fable Porcupine
During the Ice Age, many animals died of cold. The

porcupine realizing the situation, decided to join groups. This would abrigarían and protect each other, but the spines of each wounded the closest companions, which offered just more heat. Therefore decided to move away from each other and began to freeze to death.

So they had to make a choice, either accept the spines of his companions or disappeared from Earth. With wisdom, they decided to be together. In this way they learned to live with small wounds relationship with someone very close can cause, and the most important thing is the heat of the other.

That way survived.

Moral of the story

The best relationship is one that unites people perfect, but one in which each individual learns to live with the faults of others and admire their qualities.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Year Were Women Allowed To Drive

another idea


} I believe that when the bottle was little I got scratched gramophone needle. Yes, I mean full. I admit. Is a defect, and I know I annoy many people who see me and say "this Geva must meet a daily quota of words, or what?" I speak as to drive me crazy: Manu you should have a radio program.

have told me so much that I plan to record some stuff in Garage Band and mounted here. Who knows? For the rest I do not know how to ride a radio program. No way to go to Union Radio and "Good ... yes, I come because my friends and my family say I should have a radio program."

I guess the guard. "Eee, Miss please if you please, stop by here. "Of course that would point toward the front door, where I launched and in the cartoons.

The irony of all is that the character that moves my "input" on the radio is Martha Colomina. I told you that I love to imitate voices and my favorite is Martha Colomina. My dad told me yesterday, "If something happens to Martha, you're going to have to take his place."

And I think, because if something happens to Martha more than an old will enter in shock. Martha is like a drug, accelerates chick puts nerves, is like that of propaganda in the end the Chinese put your head in the tank and the dwarf suicide.

The truth is that sometimes I think that even the blog would be nothing if they could hear. For example, the post of Miss Venezuela. Here we did the version with the voice of Maite, the voices of the misses. Too funny.

In any case, is a project I have out there. I do not know what to do, because next year I have to start making decisions about little something to let me get me some copper as I finish assembling the books. I'm afraid to end on the highway with my stories in one hand and the racket that kills-flies in the other.


I enrolled in the course of literary translations, but as I say, come on people with the subject of a radio program. And the idea goes round and round me in the head. So maybe it makes sense to do the course of speech instead of translations.

The truth is that for a year and a half had called a friend because he wanted to do a pilot, but had to Clarissa in the stomach and in the end she was born and do not push anything. Perhaps the ideal would be to call again.

I'd be on the radio. I think my program would be called something like: 21,000 Leagues Under in gamelote: Just what the world needed more people to talk nonsense.

Oops. I have another macabre idea that just occurred to me. My God, my brain I have to put a brake and a tutor, because it goes to ten thousand per hour inventing pods.

My version of Forrest Gump is: life is like a box of chocolates, try them all.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Design Ypur Own Wrestling Singelet

Las Piñatas or the Origin of barbarism

Manu point de palace of my paws on Fresia.

a dozen years ago or so my sister and her husband met them the opportunity to go to study a year out of the country. His eldest son had just turned two years and like any kid his age, through stories and films that typically developed child relationship with fictional characters. From Batman to the Donald Duck were true friends to him.

When he finally returned to Caracas, my sister was thrilled because they had been invited to a pinata that had been promised that Disney dolls abound, including Donald. Chief Guest would be hung in all its glory to fill of toys for children carpet as is traditional wait impatiently to burst the piñata.

Certainly for children in our culture, the piñata is exciting. A little girl, was waiting with anxiety the fat kid that is on a diet and passes near a McDonald's that smell emanating pleasure filthy, disgusting and harmful. So I wore one when I said, "Chami, do your nap early today because we piñata."

course in the case of girls to one she used to prepare for torture would come to grow , why go to a piñata was nothing ride you grab the gift and in the car of your mom. Those pantyhose were you stung to Tururú, shoes for some reason you always pressed, some ties disproportionately large for the size of your head, which of course you pigtails tied crimping hair and face, as if the party was rather costume and yours was, "Jean Carlos Simancas after the fifth operation."

do not think my nephew has suffered more than necessary for his costume, having passed that age they dress socks for men with blue Galician poceta. When my sister brought her first piñata Caracas newcomer to the type everything was "chillax" tequeños eating, and filling a small tank that would have stirred Frescolita and awake well past his bedtime.

Certainly the children here were a little more barbaric than the daycare was in the first world. Let's say there the hair pulled and nibbles were grounds for expulsion, while in this new home were tools of survival.

man In any case, since she was a mole, had no major problem until the birthday child's parents called the friends, placed them around Donald Duck and began to fall on shovels.

My nephew was beside himself. I ran to my sister and cried, "Nooooooooooooo! My aaamiiiiiiiiiiiigoooo! Do not do that to my friend! Mamáaaaa! My amigooooooo! "

The guy was inconsolable, stunned, not believing what their eyes. His friend had been hanging around all day and suddenly, out of nowhere and just because the children had grabbed a stick and had proceeded to hit him with all his might to thwart it, while the entire party Colosseum which shouted "Daaale! Daaale! Daaaale! "

My sister tried to calm and eventually succeeded, but took several piñatas dude getting used to, and become more of a troglodyte who fights for the club and is looking to bare teeth poor animal or superhero who goes from a dear friend to enemy.

If you get to see the issue with piñatas is not only the clout of the shovels, but the clinging of toys that comes later, when many adults are engaged and in which more than trinkets and plastic animals, pinching and shoving are distributed as if you had signed a contract at the entrance to the party, to say something like: enter the site puts you and the children who accompany him to participate in a tournament, you get fewer crap in the little bag can be called from paturro imbecile, idiot dandy until Birdbrain, jerk and other derogatory descriptions of its kind.

addition to this there is always a poor child who does not grasp anything, and it humbles above, the birthday boy's mom takes out the "emergency bag" that has a bow to the whole world identifiable "Oh look, that poor carajito that goes beyond that of the blue knickers, has a bag of yellow bow, is who did not get anything ... the poor." Pobre. Poor child is what it means, Birdbrain.

There are always three or four little boys, who are already passing on the stage of the piñatas. They grab the legs of the animal and filled with toys and walk around the party with the two additional bags. These children birthday Mom will have to bring some extra Paquita, while protecting all their booty buddy with legs and fists to offer that even comes close, no matter whether a child of those who are crawling around with drool dripping out announcing the teeth.

These become the admiration of the party, the rough.

can not generalize, but most likely is that this dude is the one day you pull the car when the light is red just put, makes you stop suddenly, throwing the con- you took milk with breakfast and the way you paint a dove and you scream "old whore."

I do not advocate the end of the piñata or a lot. After all, custom is custom, but I think there is much that we are in how we grow.

If something we owe to the City of Fury is to analyze our behavior, because the sensitivity and how we react to the surface. Sometimes it seems that we will be content to rip off someone's leg until yesterday was our friend and overnight became the enemy. What happens is that these kinds of piñatas much stick and never fall toys.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Best Gay Cruising Areas In Mercer County Nj


Two men, both seriously ill, they shared the same room semi-private hospital.
One of them was allowed to sit for an hour in the afternoon, to drain fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the only window in the room.

The other had to remain lying on your back all the time. They talked incessantly all day, and day after day talking about their wives and families, their homes, jobs, experiences during their military services and the sites visited during your vacation.

Every afternoon, when the patient is located beside the window sat, spent her time relating to his roommate what he saw through it.

Over time, the patient lying on his back, he could not look out the window, she dedicated her existence for those periods of one hour, during which they reveled in the stories of the activity and color of the outside world.

window overlooked a park with a beautiful lake. The ducks and swans glided through the water, while the children played with their little boats to shore. The lovers walked arm in arm among the multicolored flowers, was a majestic landscape with trees in the distance, could see a beautiful view of the city.

As the patient by the window described all this in exquisite detail, his partner closed his eyes and imagine a picturesque.

One evening he described a parade passing by the hospital, and although he could not hear the band, he could see through the mind's eye as he described his companion.

passed days and weeks, and a morning, the nurse entering the toilet morning, he found the lifeless body of the man who occupied the bed near the window, which had expired quietly in his sleep.

With great sadness, warned that moved the body. The next day, the other man asked to be moved near the window. A nurse was pleased to make the change, and after making sure he was comfortable and left him alone.

Lord, with great effort and pain, leaned on one elbow to look at the outside world for the first time. Finally have the joy of seeing it for yourself! He strained to look out the window ... and what he saw was the wall of the building next door.

Confused and saddened, I asked the nurse what it was that encouraged her late companion had described such wonderful things outside the window ...

The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not see the opposite wall. She said ...

"Maybe I just wanted to encourage you" ...

Epilogue ...

An immense joy to cheer up others despite our own situations. The shared grief diminishes the sadness, but when joy is shared, is doubled.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Does An Illinois Drivers License Look Like

Anita Tally Hell Resolution

A year ago it decided to take my writing seriously, really put heart, time, take it as a profession. The challenge was "a year old in hell" and the truth is that if hell is so not so bad ...

A story I see what I have:

A complete novel, gender, fantasy, young audience. Or rather the first part because I think it is and provides for more. The curious thing about this story is that I was writing a completely different, I did a comparison with something fancy and I said, this comparison may get something interesting. And when I came to see was twenty chapters.

All these I will admit that with this first novel, which still has no name but I call "What's Nalcor" because that is one of the main characters do not know what I to do.

really do not know if I'm taking it to a publisher, if I'm taking a spell first, if I'll post here under the name Pera Williams, if Williams Pear open your own blog and I will publish the chapters are relatively short, if even Pera Williams is going to say, "ok people, here's the story. It's free for you can not afford anything, and who feels that if he were in a bookstore would have paid 20 bolivars, lay them here. "

Anyway. I do not know. I keep spinning.

But that's not all I have. I'm working on a book of short stories for adults, it has to do with relationships and all the affective. I'm working on another book of stories for adults that is ... that they are not ahead, but that is a vacilón.

'm also working on a group of "letters" of women, this project is I have about half, and I have also a story book for teens who do is much more advance.

So far this is pretty much count on my creative writing. I forgot to tell a project called F. other young adult novel that is almost complete but still lacks polish. That what I have stayed there, I will admit that two weeks ago was going to edit would click select all and then going to give enter , pleasing Cerberus Part of me says "it it sucks. "But, I know it would be wrong to do so because the content is not erasable, rather I have to pass a lot, but a lot of polishing. So good ... so it goes.

All these ideas I have two more who want to stay afloat. Both for teenagers and one more, I began writing quite time the novel is rather complicated, which I would like very much because it has mystery, intrigue, and ... say you have a lot of Caracas.

I have also "in idea" another novel that is oddly and name and that came from a conversation with one of you, via digital, and will come around soon.

Anyway. The workload is bigger than my humanity.

Sooner or later, if the country and the fact they let me, will find ready and armed any of these projects. Beginning with the story of teenagers and following the stories of adults. Actually I had not realized how much I had written until I sat here to list them all.

wanted to acquaint how things are going, and give a small preview and see what you think. Do not tell them which of all projects.

In any case, has not been easy. It is very uphill to maintain discipline, getting up every day, writing, printing, editing, no stopping him that voice in your head that says "cock cloths, you will never get anywhere with this devote yourself to something else, you confuse Vargas Llosa papaya. "

I have also received help from many people that hold my weird moods, they print my pages are read and discussed. Among them is Jiminy Cricket, which he said will help me poking the accelerator, to annoy me every day, "ok, Manu tell me the number of pages."

's even a "fate godmother" let's call TíoPK, presented here on a Sunday at eight p.m. ready to go image by image. This serves, it does not. You have to ask yourself these questions, but more importantly, you must follow. And my face is enduring trauma because one of my worst faults is my low tolerance for criticism, so in terms of personal growth that is huge for me.

In any case, here are one of my favorite parts. Mind you, not everything is so gloomy and there are parts that make you laugh I promise, I do not conceive of life without a sense of humor, just that I think one of the most beautiful and wanted to share with you, I leave:

"Do not you understand? Do you think an immaturity? All this nonsense. Do a test to visualize. With one hand take a tinderbox, on the other paper. Turn it on for a corner. Then starts to burn and disfigure.

gradually consumed. Lose its essence. Lost functionality. Lose reasons. Lose reasons. Becomes unusable and unrecognizable. Wait until almost charred and drop it, suddenly. Notes the decline in flames, the slow and sad decline.

Now soil collected the ashes and look at your hands. How have you been?

So I was left after passing through me. After one day I burned your eyes. I also turned on, I was transformed beyond recognition, went down in flames, and now ...

Now I'm on the floor like a burnt paper.

I warn you. When a woman is burned, if you play it, his body charred but not heavy, black spot you. "

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sand Buggy 80's Movie


- Chama go to see The Leopard Epidermis.

- Yes Is it good? What is it?

- Well a buddy that is taken out of a concentration camp during World War II, he killed the parents and all siblings. They manage to send him to the United States, and escapes as a teacher hit him. Overall, it takes a family that makes it operates and beg and say every night that he behaved badly and that's why he was locked in the basement with cockroaches.

To all these, well the kind spectacular develops a phobia of insects, and has dreams about cockroaches and fumadísimas see those scenes in which a cockroach wings open, indeed it is something like "Kafka meets Almodovar," very strong but arrechísimo. But still, the fact is that the dude as fifteen years as a prisoner going to get a policeman who had his eye and escapes again.

is living on the street and falls for a chick millionaire, who saves her from stepping on a taxi while walking in New York, and ends up having an affair with her. Total chama's dad is the mayor of New York and joined with police to try to screw him, grab him and lock him, you fall to blows, they cut off a finger, but it's amazing how the pod is shot and action Keanu Reeves you die. The guy then begins to dream about rats, but do not know the scenes, you feel how rats will walk you through the arms .-

- not worth it now Stop! Basta! Porfa not continue.

- Ah ... but what bitter.

- I know sorry, corduroy is that some time I resolved that I do NOT want go to the cinema experience.

- But this is not to suffer. This is Kafka Meets Almodóvar. You say you like the picture and you will not see this thing? Impossible. You MUST go see it, let the simplicity, you can not stop watching this movie.

Not really. I'm not going to go see. Nor do I go to see the play of the indoctrination of young children do not know why, that everybody loves. What's next? We spend a NatGeo documentary of a burning type newly hatched chicks. Why do not you see that?

reminds me of the time recently operated for sinusitis my sister brought me the first season of 24 and Mystic River. Result: after seeing the film and the first two chapters of "Hello, my name is Jack Bauer, I am here to Protect You." Manu vomited all analgesics, she had to forget his astral travel and had to put up with hair postoperative pain.

No more movies of children locked up and starved, mutilations, rape, mothers denatured in which sales of film as if you had found a raccoon under the seat and you have their hair hanging with nails. Not anymore.

I refuse to spend my leisure time on things that make me go to bed with the idea of \u200b\u200b"humanity sucks" in the head.

Al cinema deuce again and now it is fashionable at the end of the film to the left chick with curly facts because "that's life." I do favor and I put the player in a crowded airport, the main character to run, walked almost the vehicles that arrive when the chick and got on the plane, which circumvents security but to run faster than police, that between the plane and yells "Kaatthhyyy!"

The chick remains silent. The guy approaches you and says "I love you." "But, you love Rachel, I heard you speak for days." "Yes, I said I loved her and always will, but not like you, not Just as Kathy. You. You've always been you. "And everybody is perplexed and, extras are always the worst actors, a marvel.

to be kissed and applauded the pilot and what is more, the pass first and the last scene is such a beach where I want to die, and also the chick had a baby and you're in a bikini and looks like a Victoria's Secret angel. To complete the guy does something that men never do, bring you sips and conscious.

will lie and everything you want. Will chimbo. Be an insult to our intellectual level of people read and that they are literate and cultivated strip. It will be a deception of a giant study to extort money from the masses, but I'm not interested. When I see those movies I laugh at bad jokes, I miss the love at this time is a pod incomprehensible that relationships do not end in beach hotels of five thousand dollars a night, Stephen and his combo, the Mayas and the end of the world.

And yes, you will go crazy, I talk to people and most are, "Santa Maradona, will have to go to another country." And I "But noooooo! I'm the new Carlos Baute, I stay in Venezuela, moderfackin I'm optimistic. "


But my optimism films tears of people crying out direct call psychiatrist , "Dr. Fragachan? Do not you think I can see early morning? Is that really my existential crisis just passed the orange alert to red alert.

I if I go to be happy and glad, and so do not judge me by now if I want to torment me just read the newspaper. After all, our existence in this crazy island seems increasingly sordid the latest installment of the film. It shows that you have to be careful what you wish for, while one said "I love being in a movie" to which fate came and said, "Okay, take yours."

Destination: You I make a correction, it was bad film, Disney's final and if possible with the salary of the female lead.

Well yes, occasionally you see a good movie and have to close my eyes and grit your teeth, but with proper psychological preparation and day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wall Paint For Black And Red Floor

Los Gringos that never existed

few years ago my parents were trip with friends. My parents were three couples, Alejo and White, and Pepe and La Nena, all part of the group of friends of those of "life." In fact my mother studied with White in the school, ie had known still did pee on it. And like everything else in Caracas, La Nena premium was half White, so everything was mixed up as he could.

Total that the six had gone to eat at a restaurant and decided to order a wine that was apparently very good. A La Nena, who rarely drank, he liked and well ... scratch.

course spent two days laughing at the poor woman could not with your mouse and continued their journey. A couple of days later they threw another rumba that this time he became older. My dad and my mom stayed more time walking around town, and came up to his hotel room realized that Joe and Nena had The door hung the sign was blessed DO NOT DISTURB alongside up the news of breakfast with a very modest request.

As friends you were to know all the tricks, hobbies, dotage, stories rugged and hidden. My dad and my mom knew exactly why that sign was hung, and why notica breakfast was like a nun who promised fast.

Pepe and La Nena were of those people who are not able to speak before eleven o'clock. Not that they did not like the wake, is bothered and became hysterical. Also, my mom says Pepe, who was a sun, was such that when asked a latte milk asked whether the charge separate.

Viewing Note that hung from the door, my parents thought they would be hilarious to go around the DO NOT DISTURB to read PLEASE MAKE OUR BED, and pick up the news and ask for a breakfast feast of Roman orgy.

Among the things I remember being asked are eggs cooked in every way possible, omelette, boiled eggs, fried, scrambled and Benedictine, and also asked them various flavors from juices which was the tomato, nothing more and nothing less. Dying of laughter like two teenagers were, lay down and see you tomorrow.

The next morning my dad and my mom came down to breakfast and met the other couple, Alejo and White. Alejo with the same face of serious hyper lawyer does not bother about anything, is mortified White horrors around the world and had the face of trauma. Just go to my mom grabbed my arm and said:

- do not know what happened to Pepe and La Nena!

- Quee? - My mother said, biting his lip to keep from releasing laughter.

- Some gringos called for a giant breakfast this morning at 6 am they knocked on the door with five breakfast cart and almost die.

- Noooooo! - Says my mom, who up until today the sun does not understand why blame some gringos that neither had seen nor there.

- What do you mean about gringos?

- Well I do not know, but that must have been a few gringos.

Of course, with the theme of my dad and gringos Mom broke down and laughed. To which White frightened began:

- It was you! It was you! - And my dad and my mom said happily-!!!!- Síiiiiiii and leave without expression: - Of course they were white.

White then asked my mother: - Swear that you will not say anything. Swear. Do not say anything please. I ask, do not tell. Do not say anything.


said nothing, and though it cost them nothing, because Joker all feel proud to confess his joke, laugh could be the case due to the occurrence of tomato juice.

turned out that Joe tried to return the carts, but the Lord showed him the room service order that was his signature (which had stopped outside the door when ordering coffee and juice). So either way, stuck with their carts full.

In the midst of avalanche of food, Pepe decides that if you were charged and all, I have to eat. Determined to start with tomato juice, he grabs it, gets into bed with him and the inevitable happens. He bounces around making a foul tide of red liquid on the sheets, and shouting:

- Damn, I dropped the juice!

Nena shouted back: - I know shit I do not get up before 11 am no joda!

During the rest of the trip made plans for revenge against the "gringos of shit." But they never appeared.

last week when my mom and my dad drove the story, I said,

- Ma you have to have .

But Pepe has died and the girl years ago that left Venezuela. My mom said she would call not only for that, then let go, do something better, you give permission for counting you in the blog.

Sony Tv Movies From External Hard Drive

It is up to Brat

not be back again I'm fed up with the doctor. Makes me wait an hour and a half a room full of people sick with old magazines, used, scratched and broken where there is no model that does not have a mustache, blue ink.

then makes me wait twenty minutes in the cubicle of consultation, finally enters, crushes me language with Popsicle, without releasing pressure until it is clear that I am about to vomit. After sending me to sit in front of him and tells me that the only solution to my problem is something that I can do. Stop working at the mine, leaving the forest.

I am terribly allergic to not know what microscopic animal that lives between the land of the mine, including deer hair, the lice of birds and poo of cockroaches. Life is like that. I could be allergic to cats or dogs, seafood or chocolate, no. I'm allergic to lice bird.

I told the doctor, I will not give up work at the mine. I love what I do. What sense does it leave the work you love? and change your life. I could not devote myself to work just because, well I'm old. I can not do anything else.

As moving is something that really is not an option for me. I love animals, I love this forest, I was born here and here I want to die. Not find a single reason to deny him to badmouth the other dwarves as they say living here dissatisfied. They feel bored, there's never anything to do and feel that the characters that inhabit it are stupid or evil or conformist.

White is the case, this woman came in and created a strange atmosphere. Some reacted badly, with a distrust and paranoia in a very unusual dwarf. It seemed strange to see that some had it hidden inside us. Others do not take it so seriously.

I feel that White was a good thing. First off was a change, something new, we had decades engaged in the routine of getting up early in the week, go to work, come home, spend Sunday the lake and rise again on Monday as well.

This woman made us break the routine and we needed. He made us see that we were living a pigsty, for example. For me, the nastiness of some dwarf was unbearable. At night, the kitchen looked like the kingdom of flukes, let alone the mold in the bathrooms, rotten vegetables in the cupboard. Place sucks. I will not say who but two dwarves who have twenty years without washing his sheets. That smell, that even the skunk left to wander in here once confessed that he approached the door and was almost vomiting.


made us change, to recognize those details, we were forced to work in this direction and these changes are good. That led leaders relax a bit some other rules of the routine, were more open to return home early from time to time. As we said some dwarves, you do not have the same energy every day, there's nothing wrong with that sometimes say, now leave at half past five instead of six. Nobody dies for it.

Then came the roll of the witch, apple of the crisis. Snow White was not dead, but as usual paranoia and seized some stress. I think that rush to find the prince was not the solution. I do not think either that this was what White wanted. In my view he had no other choice. The man woke up and she went with him, but I know that deep down, she wanted something more to life than an eternal love, home, children and dogs, and could change the word 'home' for the word castle.

think Snow White is not happy at all. I noticed when it comes. Has changed, is consumed, find leisure activities that are far from the things they liked to do while living here. Certainly no longer the simple person I was when we met, I do not think that is a deliberate change, I think it was a victim of the pressures on living in a house where someone feels totally alien, foreigner, with customs very different from those who raised them.

also not forget, White experienced terrible things. His mother died very early, the relationship with the old stepmother was fatal, the woman was an abomination in every sense, not only in his dealings with White, but as human beings in general. Conceited, frivolous, materialistic, rude, never had with her a word of affection. No pity on their situation.

His father was a drunk zero. White went too well, and I rather admire a good heart because out of that environment does not succeed either.

the truth I want to live here all my life, however, occasionally disappoint me these dwarfs. So for them will be my condition is no laughing matter. Brat call me because I can not stop sneezing for my allergies, my suffering. Sometimes I get so angry, I go and lock myself and spend hours alone.

always forgive them and go and go back to being a loving dwarf. At the end of the day these Dwarves are my family and the family thing is that sometimes you hate, you feel foreign to them, different, strange, until you reveal causes, but you know who are the people who will love you unconditionally.

I live with them, maybe not happy but at least together, forever.

Source: Pear Williams

Monday, November 8, 2010

Building Cheap Sets For Film

The "Za-Spend" Married to the Venezuelan

The "Za" spent " is that friend that when they bring the bill grabs, looks three times, peeling the eyes, says "Shit! But it can not be. "Crease the face, raise your hand, call the waiter and says," Compa, looks okay, if you had told me that the lemonade cost five thousand bowling in 1500 (a Za-spend does not speak in Bolivar strong accent on the subject of thousands and millions is essential) had not asked. It was frappé, are you sure it's not that you're charging me the frappé? "

The Za-spend is one that puts teipe to shoes with pride, which is defined pajamas as "clothing whose state no longer qualifies to be used in public. "After all, a Za-spend is not a scruffy, is a person who says" I'm not going to spend money on clothes that no one will see, use the one with hollow point .

I have several Za-spend in my life. I will not complain, though some admit they are cases of court record. Is one that starred in a shameful incident with his shoemaker confidence. It took the pair of shoes as always, for the parapet. The shoemaker was looking at the shoes and said, "Look, I want to give this talk, it really gives me something with you, you must be going wrong. Go with this reaches you for another pair. When will you bring me harm. "

course did not accept the money but had to go buy other shoes, all the while thinking" That's what it cost John a last remiendito?, what pod goes! this is the height of wastefulness. "And of course when she went to pay what the seller told him was" What?! Why shoes made in China for a boy to win three cents per hour? What body is you! "

In the same event another of my Za-spent one day he tells me to accompany him to buy a shirt for a special event. A friend from work had recommended this shop with a famous designer name capital.

was Saturday and the store was empty, but my hand culebrero identified the designer himself in person behind the counter. We attended the best, I thought we were going to do with face: "My friend, the Tijerazo is for the other side." Well, I served as a deterrent.

My buddy was tested several shirts and until he got one he liked. He tells the man, ready I took it. Is walking to the box, and says, "Ah, but how much is coming out?" (We're talking about four years ago) "Two million, one hundred." "I will." Says my friend and me inside , sissy dick you do not learn what the hell you came. "You're telling me a shirt, which is made of fabric and about six to eight buttons cost two million bowling. It sucks, you are what you're crazy. "

The truth is that the designer himself like a gentleman, did not say anything and left. And of course my Za-spending not mortified when I said I had told the mismísmo I was crazy to charge it, rather he was proud "Well, somebody has to say is he's crazy, that is the salary of a person." Ok, it was right But still, I felt sorry.

There Za-spend that go much further, as the once in a trip that we decided he was in charge of renting the car and although we were seven rented one for five. Because "these companies will always fuck you, you get a limo and you nail her, when the five-seven perfect fit." This time it was the reinvention of so-called mother of all that was told. He happy, because in the end proved that where they fit five seven one is spared the difference.

The corduroy once went with his wife, his mother and her daughters, and decided that the airport hotels are a scam. "These bugs will stick because they know they're screwed." So he decided he was going to rent a motel he had gotten by Google Earth or something like that as was next. "That is, the same, but without my keys."

course when arrived they were, some truckers and the type of reception did not understand why a Venezuelan had called to book what was almost a temporary shelter. They could go to another hotel because the plan was to arrive, leave your luggage, go to a Cirque du Soleil function, return, sleep and catch the plane very early the next day. So they had to sleep with the noise of tractor trailers and the people pulling all night. Mom's face was worthy of Televisa.

However, in my Za-spend is one that has been the jackpot and whose story was the one who tipped me to write this post. This is a za-spend that together with other za-friend spent gripping account and start (only others renounce them that) "Aha, you put fifteen more because he had three contours your plate."

-za is a one day was spent Movistar a call saying he had a plan called "Speak," Pegao "she grabbed a Za-spent because you know that these plans are just to fuck and get you more money seeing the face of stupid. But he called me and said "chama, do you have that pegao speaking?" Since then rang me and when I called I said "poof, you have Speech-Pegao. I do not. " Just call her because you love them equally.

In any case, this Za-spent, was in surgery and recently when I was coming out of anesthesia nurses came to change the bed. Her all drugged asleep and began to mumble something. It was "Go porfa, I'm drugged, quítenme the moon, the lunar quítenme, let me take the anesthesia." Turns out from the astral projection of anesthesia the woman was able to return, to pray that a mole removed. Stunned nurses did, after all "Who the hell after an operation ending cries for him to make another and enclose all in one combo?

This Za-spend what has proud, "chama, took the anesthesia, surgery and subsequent check-up." These nurses talk about it for years. "Remember the Geva, when we were going to go to the room we did get the moon."

Now, why the name Za-spent? Easy, do not roll much the car because "za-go" do not wear new clothes only once every six months because "za-go" because they do not trot when jogging shoe rubber ... eeee-XACT.

course one thing is a Za-spent and another is a Houdini. A Houdini is that disappears when you pay. And that is in another category. The Za-spend is pichirre, but honest. The Za-spending gets angry, but in a way that one would laugh. The Za-spent one wants.

Raise your hand if you know one or more "Za-spent." What's more who has not had to acknowledge "is true, if not for you I would not these real savings. "