Friday, October 29, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Catalina Island

Did you watch the Miss Venezuela?

Those who answered NO, I asked to speak about it. The post is long and not edited. I am warning. Here goes.

do not even know how or where to start. Maybe last night was less a matter of Misses, but character. A kind of how much is the show? But the question was "Who steals the show?

Yesterday we had everything, starting with SOR Miss Amazonas (became a nun), Axel (as in Rose) and Germania pepper. Yes, his mother, Mrs. married to Mr. Pepper, who in my mind is a red pepper, christened Germania. Good thing is pretty chama.

Let's start

Kiara. Poor, really poor. I begin by recognizing two things Kiara has a booming voice and a great body. But if you were going to dress up as Lady Gaga, I expected at least something like the cloak of flesh. Not a blue suit and the crew of Star Trek with a Betamax tape to the head.


for finishing touch of gold plate. Was between Diana Ross and Tina Turner at the time of Ike. Certainly not Diana had the afro, but it was as if Diana was coming and that "Wednesday, I had to park three blocks from the Palace of Events and just when I got out I dropped the can of water."

Another issue were the dancers. I will not mess with her dancing, because the truth is a miracle that I will jump the little plane, so anyone who can do the Macarena in my eyes has talent. What if it is sometimes even cruel as the dress, let alone little children dressed as angels dancing next to a reguettoneros, which he did not have my glasses at that time did not know if they were Chinese and Nacho.

Eye, I have nothing against reguetton. I have no such complex is not music, nothing like that, but I have understood that the lyrics are like that, "today my bed smells of you, tuck Daddy, are her husband, she and I, I want to make you slow, Wisin likes to pull her by the hair, you're in a skirt and you look cool too ... the nuns at the convent, one tripea the Bacilon the letter, but there to make little angels with the rhythm that is used for dogs. I do not know. I dreamed last night shot with the horses of the Apocalypse.

Then came the animators. I told you that I love to imitate people, and I think my favorite imitation after Martha Colomina, is Maite Delgado. One day I want to do a duel with Norah Suarez, is a challenge, sure beats me, but would enjoy. The truth is that I'm a fan of Mayte.

some like some do not. I think it has gone far, is pretty, and she has charisma. Always invent something with a dress, sometimes gets prettier, others less so. It is a human. Botox has given, but not to the extent that when he saw her say "that lady has a toadfish adhered to the face." And she sang, danced musicals, shares the vulgarity, but her grip is the script and tells Jake:

- This is not going to put me. That either. This thing I will not sing. That point me change it. Okay, I put on Batol but all they say all is all my dresses are from Angel Sanchez.

And there you have it. Regia. Yesterday because she was regal. I liked it.

The not so lucky was ran with Viviana, at least in its first change. Although the truth, I like Mom I "standing ovation" You have to want it too, we must be tough to leave your house, catch a plane, stand in front of thousands of people, dressed, makeup, crying a month after giving birth.


he / she has no children. A month are far from having recovered your figure before. There is an issue of skinny or fat, nothing is in place, is like one of those pillows balls. Hormones are crazy turns. It is impossible to sleep more than four hours, and if you get to spend four hours you wake up scared, "what happened to my buddy, why not order food?" If it was C-section may still have trouble and also the medical order of no weight, no exercise, is a major surgery. a month I gave birth I did not want to see my guardian angel. So Viviana has earned my respect.

who won it was not the rat hairdressing to put the Flemish faralaos throat to pecueca also embedded with bits of the solar plexus that you used Marelisa Gibson. He had no right. Then things changed and improved and at least looked much better. But somehow, the dress of black and white pieces. Vivi for next year, repeat this: less is more, less is more, while a more amorphous is, unless you invent. I tell you from experience.

Chiqui. The truth is that it is cheeky. I have very little to say. Maybe I did not put the clothes she used for the simple reason that I have no attributes. I love to have at least one. But what will. La Chiqui is among those women who, like Bradshaw Carrey says "are in the world to make us feel bad." The truth that woman is amazing. The most beautiful of all night, including all misses.

Then Boris. Boris Oh God. More than one would maracucho "But what sweetbread is this? A Rafael Crisostomo Molina did not bring the Miss Venezuela to the land of the Chinita to encourage you this duster. "The truth is that Boris is funny. His first words were "Please" with a tone, that makes the Pink Panther Rocky Balboa look like.

If I think it is ever lost luster. It was like, "well yes, Boris is here, but maybe we will speak again of the children of Viviana." At one point I felt like seeing Miss Venezuela Boris encourage or Twitter would be fun to watch him.

is little I can say about the psychedelic guayú gowns. You can search for similes, comparisons, examples. It was like exaggerating exaggeration and straining the limits of exaggeration. A real effort, not so much creativity but almost to honor the song "Let's tell lies, tra la la."


That seemed more related to Soledad Bravo. Soledad is that if one day is released with electronic music, that's what you have to make. I thought it was a little ridicule Guayú issue, the day that gives them so Pemón Yanonami or that God has forgiven the sins first.

Lila sang with his daughters also dress them as indigenous. In any when they sang "one, little, two, little three little indians ..." One had a peacock on her dress and I felt kind of bad joke. The truth is that I expected something more lavish of Lila, and dancers colorinches floripondio belts do not know. The Primerísima Mirla had left mounted on an elephant.

Then he sang a Colombian, I can not remember the name. So I will be marking his performance. The poor. I had to have eaten the accordion, or swallowed fire, or spit Batol stones of the cheerleaders.

As for the misses, really gave me a lot of things. The show was of animators and designers of the dresses. It goes without saying much and is everywhere, the descriptions were absurd. As such it had a tepuy Miss Canaima in the garment, all who were between red and orange coral emulated, they were all one column, all were shining.

Then the questions. What happens is that one is unhappy. If they answer wrong questions like, "Miss Guarico, what you think of the Inter-American Human Rights System? Do you think the San José Pact should be revised?" So are a gross everybody falls on them.

So this year the thing took the other end. Viviana First, it is clear what are Misses, which are brutazas, that one is attacked, you are nervous, that millions, MILLIONS of people are watching the ... that they were released after questions like "How much love is necessary?" And "What kind of music do you like?" or worst of all "What profession would not exert a woman?" In addition, it seems the Chaman had said, look these are the questions, practice. Because no one thought the response. All and answered:

Music: Romantic.

Perfection: There.

Love: Own.

it not rather ask which of the numbers on your card you like best.

And finally Marelisa lacked Gibson threw a pie in the face. I think were very ungrateful to her. Yes, in the Miss Universe what happened happened, but she did the best he could and Miss Venezuela, deserved his last walk with his crown and his speech over, and not to come back from commercial, the chama and completing the parade and Boris arrived to ask what happened in the Miss Universe? Caught off guard, because the poor was red as a tomato. Marelisa Now, friend, you defend yourself, but draws chama malice, one tigra search made in public relations and prepare your answers yourself.

As for the coronation, there was little music of Venevision. There was a parade with tears. Until the bouquet of roses was piche. We saw the crowning of Miss World Venezuela, and the remaining 27 went to congratulate the winner. Missed that Maite said:

- Well, put the crown and I please get off the stage that the palace is leased to The Fifteen years ago David Alejandro Molina Barboza. "

The only face that was poster was Miss the Earth. The chick was about to cry, "More Miss Earth is your grandmother!"

the end, and to the throne was a ranch. Just as if they were going to deliver the crown someone had told Osmel. "Dude, we forgot the throne." "Faaackkkk! Grab that chair and blue tablecloths lining and sit there. Joaquin film that far. "

What I caught the end, was once again Chiqui, Maite, Vivi, Boris. Once again thanking the designers for their columns glittering once again talking about the children of Vivian, again speaking of the earth Zulia. Were the last image.

Oh no. The truth is not worth the vigilance. I dreamed of being Miss, I confess, when I put the earrings from my mom in the head. Carmen loved Victoria, Gilberto, not that it was the Radio City, but was something else. Were other times the Barbara Palacios and Pilin, really you could see the admiration for the Misses. Yesterday I felt that the Misses were few excuses, as if there will be respected and not liked.

I do not know. I was a tasteless. I did not like. Maybe it's like I'm getting old and can not stand. I think if the three cheerleaders were more beautiful, more stunning and marched over to the Misses, something not being done well.

now that what they do is die for Miss Chocozuela. God had been so good! We should join a group and throw it on You Tube. Should.


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