Monday, December 13, 2010

How Many Calories In 1 Small Shrimps

The 7 Habits for Business

Author: Stephen R. Covey

Being an entrepreneur is one of the most exciting career options and at the same time, more challenging in the personal and professional. By following the universal principles of effectiveness, can increase both their quality of life and their chances of success. I offer a review of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for entrepreneurs.

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Many people just start new projects only when conditions seem positive or favorable. Ie work reactively on the basis of market signals. In contrast, a proactive employer will analyze the reasons why a project can succeed in the long term and develop processes to achieve success, although the conditions may seem uphill. Obviously, this should not be taken to the extreme: it is to be proactive and find niches and opportunities in areas of low or no competition before their competitors discover the opportunity, without neglecting the business cycle and cash flow.

From my personal experience in the creation of Covey Leadership Center and then the merger that created Franklin Covey Co., have applied a simple technique that helps me to calculate risk. Count to 10 - and sometimes even 50 - when I have a new idea, thus inserting a pause between stimulus and my response. This basic technique helps me to control myself and not be overly reactive, or rash.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
a company's culture is established from the initial stages of growth so it is vital that you start with a clear sense of vision and purpose. Creating your personal mission to give you the best starting point for the development of the purpose of your business.

How would you remember their loved ones? What legacy you want to leave behind?

Start by listing the major roles of his life. Then, focus on fixing one or two long-term goals for each role. Then, develop a mission statement describing the purpose of your life and incorporate these goals.

investment of time to prepare its mission staff will be rewarded and who will support you in staying on course and say "no" to activities that support their long-term priorities. It will help you not feel overloaded or overwhelmed by the many hats they must carry on their business. Once you've set your goals, prioritícelas when deciding how to invest your time. Each week, plan your activities according to the two or three tasks necessary to advance their goals in different roles. In defining the tasks which constitute significant progress, allocate the necessary time and organize other activities as the most important. Do not overload your schedule and will need time to care for its employees and discuss matters of daily and those situations that are more complex. That will fuel the trust between employees and yourself.

Avoid wasting their attention on tasks that are urgent but not add value to their business. Consider postponing these activities until he has a chance to solve them, giving the time needed to respond appropriately and empower the members of his staff, in this way, you can focus on the overall vision of leading the production processes.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
If you have been honest in defining their goals and principles in its mission statement, you will have the inner fire to pursue their goals. So you can focus your efforts. Maybe not as popular, but by demonstrating its reliability and increase the effectiveness of their efforts will increase your chances of success. But do not be rigid in the extreme: it can things more important than the initially drawn plans or goals. When it happens, will be a crucial moment of self-analysis and focus to concentrate on their values \u200b\u200band make the right decision.

With the integration of the first 3 Habits, Private Victoria is achieved that prepares us to optimize our relationships.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
is impossible to build a successful business without support of their employees. Some employers think that by promoting domestic competition increases productivity, but are not limited to conflicts between departments. Already have enough competition in the market so do not need in your workplace.

win-win agreements, whether written or informal, should be adequate to the needs, skills and experience of each employee. Employee commitment is to achieve the goals set by consensus. Theirs is to help aboriginal women these results. Include in the agreement to obtain rewards for goals and fulfill its promise at the time of evaluation. When everyone knows it has a chance to win on their own terms, productivity rises.

Habit 5: Seek First understand and then to be understood
Many entrepreneurs benefit by controlling the decision-making at all levels, but this kills creativity and self-esteem of their team. But if you are willing to share power, information and ideas - and even ownership of the company - creating a vast range of opportunities. This means that you must be willing to really listen.

One way to start is soliciting recommendations for solving the major problems of the company you are trying to solve.

Many entrepreneurs complain that their employees do not support but have not created the conditions for this to happen. Recruit people to invest in with complementary skills and promote the focused, productive exchange of ideas through the development of payment systems and developing new products that reward the ingenuity and courage to defend your own point of view.

If you are starting a new business, it should create an Advisory Council of people experience a strong, independent and objective, with different types of expertise, will help you be realistic and objective. And if the business prospers, this group could become its Board of Directors.

Habit 6: synergize
To be successful, must form a team in which complement the various capacities. Of course, if you are overwhelmed with the various day crises that arise in the development gives your company can not invest much time in the recruitment and selection.

In my personal experience in the development of Covey Leadership Center, discovered that people have interdependent are more efficient to organize teamwork to achieve specific objectives. The best way to determine the level of interdependence is asking the right questions in interviews. Ask about activities you enjoy. For example, if a candidate worships the highly competitive individual sports, this could be a sign of independence that could be disruptive in the group that you are forming.

This does not mean it be ruled out immediately, but it is a warning voice. At the end trust not only in his head but in his heart, if that person feels that combined with your company, hire.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Sierra
Even those employers who have a balanced life they forget to maintain the fundamental tool: his own body. Spend 5 or 6 hours a week to exercise is not fun, but a necessity.

also must seek renewal in the spiritual plane. The answer may be meditating or practicing their religion. But reading good literature - not just business books - can be inspiring. Take your time to maintain those relationships Important: write letters, make that phone call or the visit has been postponed. Find ways to serve others, perhaps we can engage in charitable activities. All these activities will help create a satisfying lifestyle in the long term.

7 Habits are based on long-term vision. At times feel pressures and imbalances but effective planning incorporating into your routine, reduce your stress and find that your business and your life are much more successful.


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