Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where Is Heather Harmon?

The 10 scrolls Success


Start Today a new life. Today

shed my old skin which has suffered for so long, the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity.

Today I am born again and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all. Today
reap grapes of wisdom from the higher vineyards and fruit-laden vines, because they were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me, from generation to generation. Today

savor the taste of fresh grapes from the vines, and certainly I'll swallow the seed of success contained in each, and a new life shall grow inside me.

The career I have chosen is full of opportunities, while full of anguish and despair, and the bodies of those who have failed, if they are put one above another, would cast its shadow over all the pyramids of the earth.

Yet not fail like the others, since in my hands I hold the charts which will guide me through dangerous currents to the beaches that only yesterday seemed a dream.

The failure will not be my reward for the struggle. Just as nature has not made any provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has made provision for my life to suffer failure.

failure and pain is alien to my life. In the past I accepted it as I accepted pain. I reject
now and am ready to embrace the wisdom and principles taken out of the shadows I run off into the brilliant light of the wealth, status and happiness, far beyond my wildest dreams until even the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides not seem nothing more than my just reward.

Time teaches all things to him who lives forever, but I can not afford the luxury of eternity. And yet within the time allotted to me I must practice the art of patience, because nature will never be in haste.

To create the olive the king of all trees, it takes 100 years. An onion plant is old after 9 weeks. I lived like a onion plant. But I have not been satisfied with that. Now would be the largest olive trees, and in fact the biggest sellers.

And how do you make it? Because I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to achieve greatness, and I have encountered ignorance and fallen into the puddle of compassion for myself.

The answer is simple. I will begin my journey without the hassle of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience.

Nature has already provided me the knowledge and instinct, much higher than any beast in the forest, and experience has been assigned a value exaggerated, especially by the old men who nod wisely and speak with his head stupidly.

In fact, experience teaches systematically, and yet his course of instruction devours the man's age so that the value of their lessons decrease the time needed to acquire their special wisdom. And now we have wasted on men who have died. Moreover, the experience compare with fashion. An action or measure that today will be successful tomorrow intractable and impractical. Only

principles endure and these I own, because the laws lead me to greatness are contained in the words of these scrolls. I teach more to prevent failure than success, because what is success but a state of mind? Which two, among a thousand wise men define success the same words? And yet the failure is always described the same way.

Failure is man's inability to achieve their goals in life, whatever.

In fact, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success.

Bad habits are the open door to failure. So, then, that the first law I will obey, and which precedes all others is this: I will form good habits, and be a slave to those habits.

As a child I was slave to my impulses, I am now a slave of my habits, as are all grown men. I surrendered my free will to the years of accumulated habits and past actions of my life have already pointed out a path which threatens to imprison my future.

My actions are ruled by appetite, passion, prejudice, greed, love, fear, environment and habits, the worst of these tyrants is habit. So if I have to be a slave to habits, which is a slave to good habits. Bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good seed.

Acquire good habits and I will become their slave.

And how will realize this difficult business? What do these scrolls through, because each contains a principle of my life evict a bad habit and replace it with one that I approach the success. Because there is another law of nature that says only a habit can subdue another. Thus, for these words written to fulfill the task which have been designated, I must discipline myself and buy the first of my new habits which is the next. I will read each scroll

for 30 days in this prescribed manner, prior to reading the next scroll.

First, read the words in silence when I wake up in the morning. Then read the words in silence after attending the lunch. Finally read the words again before bed at the end of the day, and more importantly, this time read the words aloud.

next day repeat this procedure, and will continue in this manner for 30 days.

Then begin the next scroll and repeat this procedure for another thirty days. Continue in the same way until you have lived with each of the scrolls for 30 days and my daily reading has become habit.

What will realize through this habit? Herein lies the hidden secret of all man's achievements. By repeating the words daily, will soon become part of my mind active, but more importantly, also will be filtered to the other my mind, that mysterious wellspring that never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and often makes me proceed a way that I do not understand.

As the words of these scrolls are absorbed by my mysterious mind, begin to awaken, every morning with a vitality that I have ever known. My vigor will increase, my enthusiasm will increase, my desire to dominate the world face all the fears that assailed me before dawn, and I will be happier than I had ever thought possible in this world of struggle and pain.

Finally, discover that I react to all situations which confront me as I ordered the scrolls to react, and soon these actions and reactions will be easy to make, because every act becomes easier with practice.

So, then, to be born a new habit and good, for when an act becomes easy through repetition becomes a constant pleasure to do, and if it is a pleasure to do it corresponds to the nature of man to do it often. When I do it often becomes a habit and I become its slave and since this is a good habit, this is my will. Today

start a new life.

And I make a solemn vow that nothing will slow the growth of my new life. Not a day will not interrupt the readings for the day to lose or may not ever be able to recover replacement. I will not stop will not stop this habit of daily reading from these scrolls, and in fact, the few times that happens every day in this new habit be a small price to have to pay for happiness and success to be mine.

And as I read and reread the words of the scroll below, do not ever let the brevity of each scroll nor the simplicity of his words lead me to treat lightly the message. Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill a bottle of wine and the skins and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes from the wisdom of the ages. Much has been filtered and thrown to the winds. Only

distilled pure truth lies in the words to come. I will drink as instructed and will not shed a drop, and ingest the seed of success. Today

my old skin has turned to dust. Walk tall among men and do not recognize me, because today I am a new man with new life.


greet this day with love in my heart.

For this is the greatest secret of success in all undertakings. Muscle strength can split a shield and even destroy life but only the unseen power of love can open the human heart, and until I master this art will not be more than a peddler in the market. I will make love my greatest weapon and no one I visit, can defend against its force.
may contradict my reasoning, may disapprove of the way I dress, may reject my face, and to be suspicious of my special offers, and yet my love will melt the heart, like the sun's rays warm the coldest clay.

greet this day with love in my heart.

And how do I do? Hereafter behold all things with love and born again. Because I love the sun warms the bones but also love the rain because it cleanses my spirit. Love the light for it shows me the way, but I will love the darkness because it shows me the stars. Will welcome it magnifies happiness my heart, but also endure the sadness because it illuminates my soul. Acknowledge the reward because it is my payment, but I will also host the obstacles because
is for me a challenge.

greet this day with love in my heart. How

speak? Laud my enemies and become my friends. I will encourage my friends and my brothers again. Delve always looking for reasons to praise, I never allanaré looking for excuses to gossip. When tempted to criticize, I bite my tongue when I feel inspired to praise, I will proclaim to the four winds.

Would not happen to the birds, wind, sea and nature all speak with the music of praise for their creator? I can not perhaps speak with the same music to his children? From now on remember this secret that will change my life.

greet this day with love in my heart.

How proceed? Love all kinds of men for each has qualities worthy of admiration but may be hidden. Tear down the wall of suspicion and hatred that have built around their hearts, and instead build bridges to get through them to their souls.

loving the ambitions because he can inspire; love to have failed because they can teach. I will love the kings for they are only human, I will love the meek for they are divine. I will love the rich because they suffer the darkness love the poor because there are so many. Young love by faith to hold, love the elders for the wisdom they share. I will love the beautiful for their eyes of sadness, love the ugly for their souls saturated peace.

greet this day with love in my heart.

And how will react to the behavior of others? With love. For as love is the weapon with which I intend to open the human heart, love is also my shield to resist the arrows of hate and the spears of anger. Adversity and discouragement that hurricane will hit my new shield, until he was finally reduced to fine rain. My shield will protect me in the market, hold me when I'm alone. Encourage me in times of discouragement, but I also calm in times of joyous transport. With the use will be strengthened and increasingly guard me, until one day I'll put it aside and walk unencumbered among all men, and when I do, my name is raised high on the pyramid of life.

greet this day with love in my heart.

And how I will face with the people they I find it? Only one way. In silence and to myself I will go to him and tell him I love him. While such silent words are reflected in my eyes and sooth my forehead, will make a smile on my lips to peek, and will echo in my voice and opens his heart. And who is he that will refuse to buy my goods when his heart feels my love?

greet this day with love in my heart.

And mostly I love myself. Because when I do, jealously watchful of everything that enters my body, my mind, my soul and my heart. Never indulge the desires of the flesh, but rather I will try my body with cleanliness and moderation.
never allow my mind to be attracted to evil and despair, but rather the stimulus to knowledge and wisdom of the ages. I never allow my soul to become complacent and satisfied, on the contrary, feed it with meditation and prayer. Do not let my heart never belittle or bitter, but rather the share and grow and the earth rejoice.

greet this day with love in my heart.

From now on I will love all mankind. From this moment all hate has been extracted from my veins, because I have no time to hate, I have only time to love. From this point I give the first step required to become a man among men
. With love my sales will add to one hundred percent and I will become a big seller. Although it has no other qualities I can succeed only with love.

Without this we fail even if it has all the knowledge and skills in the world.
greet this day with love in my heart.


persist until I succeed.

In the Orient young bulls are tested in some way to the bullfight in the Plaza. These bulls are brought to square and allowed to attack the pica picador with a spear. The bravery of each bull is then calculated with care, as the times showed their willingness to attack even though the bite of the spear. Henceforth I will recognize that everyday life is testing me in the same manner. If I persist, if I keep trying, if I continue thrusting, I will reach success.

persist until I succeed.

not born in this world in defeat, or failure runs through my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by the pastor. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, walk or sleep with the sheep. I will refrain from listening to those who weep and complain, because the disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

persist until I succeed.

The prizes of life are at the end of each day, and not near the beginning, and not for me to know how many steps are necessary to achieve my goal. Can overwhelm even the failure to give my thousandth step, yet success may be hidden behind the next bend in the road. I'll never know how close success at less than double the corner.

always give you a step further. If that's not enough give another and yet another. In fact, one step at a time not too difficult.

will persist to succeed.

From now on consider the effort of each day as a stroke of the ax blade against a mighty oak. The first blow may not cause tremor in the tree, neither the second nor the third. Each hit in itself may seem insignificant and inconsequential.
And yet as a result of weak shocks, oak finally lie down. And so to will my efforts today. I was

compared with drops of rain finally take the hill, the ant who devours a tiger; the star which brightens the earth, the slave who builds a pyramid.
using build my castle one brick at a time because I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.

persist until I succeed.

never accept defeat and erase from my vocabulary words or phrases such as abandonment, I can not, impossible, improbable, failure, impractical, hopeless and retreat, because if this disease of the mind to attack me, continue to work in the midst of despair .

will work and holding out. I will ignore the obstacles that irguen at my feet, and keep our eyes fixed on the goals above my head because I know that where dry desert ends, green growing vegetation.

persist until success.

remember the ancient law of averages and will adapt to my benefit. Persist in the belief that every time you fail in a sale increases the chances of success in the next attempt.

All "no" you hear me closer to the sound of a "yes."
All disapproving look I find only prepares me for the smile that I shall find later. Every misfortune that befalls me contain within it the seed of good luck tomorrow. I watch the night to appreciate the day. I must fail often to succeed only once.

persist until I succeed.

Persist, persist, persist again. Every obstacle that I present, I will consider it a mere detour on the road that leads me to the goal, and a challenge to my profession.

will persist and will develop my skills as the mariner develops his, by learning to master each storm's fury.

persist until I succeed.

Henceforth, I will learn and I will apply another secret of those who excel in their work. When finished the day, regardless if it was a success or failure, I will try to make a sale more. When my thoughts invite my tired body to return home, resist the temptation to do so.

try to make one more sale. I will make one more attempt to close the day with a win, and if that fails, they'll do next. He will never allow any day to end in failure. Thus

plant the seed of tomorrow's success and will achieve an insurmountable advantage over those who cease to work at a prescribed time. When others put an end to fighting, mine will have begun, and my harvest will be large.

persist until I succeed.

not let the successes of yesterday made me fall into the slumber of complacency of today, since this is the great foundation failure. I forget the events of the day past, be they good or bad, and greet the new day with confidence that this will be the best day of my life.

While there is breath in me, I will persist, because now I know one of the greatest principles of success, if I persist long enough, I will reach victory.

will persist.

Alcanzaré victory.


'm the greatest miracle of nature.

From the beginning of the world, has never been another with my mind, my hair, my mouth.

Nobody could, or can not be walk and walk and move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers yet I am different from every one of them. I am a unique creature.

even if part of the animal kingdom, the animal alone does not satisfy me. Within me burns a flame which has passed through countless generations, and heat is a constant incentive for my spirit to be better than I am, and I will. Avivaré this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.

Nobody can handle the brush or the chisel like me, nobody can exactly mimic my handwriting, none can give birth to my son and no one really has the ability to sell like me. Hence on, I'll take advantage of this difference as a factor that I encourage to the maximum.

'm the greatest miracle of nature.

do not more vain attempts to imitate others. On the other hand will exhibit my uniqueness in the market. The proclaim, yes, sell it. Begin now to accentuate the differences, to hide my similarities. So too will apply this principle to sell goods. A seller and their goods, different from all others, and proud of the difference. I

be unique in nature.

'm a rare thing, and there is value in all that is weird, so I am of value. I am the result thousands of years of progress, therefore I am better equipped, both mentally and bodily, all the emperors and wise men who preceded me.

But my ability, my mind, my heart and my body will stagnate, it will corrupt and will die unless you give them to good use. I have unlimited potential. Use only a small portion of my brain, the army only a tiny portion of my muscles.

I can improve one hundred percent of my success yesterday, and this will, from today.

stay Never ever satisfied with the successes of yesterday, nor deliver me not to praise staff for the facts that are actually too young to even be recognized. I can accomplish more than what I've done and I will, therefore why should the miracle which produced me must end with my birth? Why I can not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?

'm the greatest miracle of nature.

I do not happen on this earth. I am here with a purpose and that purpose is to grow up to become a mountain, not shrink to look like a molehill. Henceforth concentrate all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and require my power until I ask for truce.

Acrecentaré my knowledge of humanity, myself and the goods it sells, so that my sales will multiply. I will practice and get better and polish the words I utter to sell my goods, because this is the foundation on which to build my career and I never forget that many have attained great wealth and success through a single sales pitch delivered with excellence. Also endeavor to constantly improve my manners and attractive, since they are the sugar to which all are attracted.

'm the greatest miracle of nature.

will concentrate all my energies on addressing the challenge of the moment. and my acts help me forget all else. The problems of my home on leave at home.

not think in my family when you're in the market because it will overshadow my thoughts. Likewise, the problems inherent in the market will be left on the market and not think about my profession when you are at home, as this off my love.

no place in the market for my family, and there is no place either in my home for the market. Will divorce from each other and thus remain attached to both. Should remain separate or die my career. This is the paradox of the ages.

'm the greatest miracle of nature.

I have been given eyes to see and a mind for I think and I know a great secret of life because I feel at last that all my problems, my disappointments and suffering are really great opportunities evenings. I never cheat on the guise that they bear, because my eyes are open. Look beyond the costume and will not be deceived.

'm the greatest miracle of nature. Neither

beasts, or plants, or wind or rain, rocks, and lakes were the very beginning that I love because I was conceived and brought into this world with a purpose. In the past I did not consider this truth, but from now on you will shape and guide my life. I wonder

largest nature.

And nature knows no defeat. Over time, emerge victorious, and so will I, and with each victory the next struggle will not be so difficult.

must prevail and I will become a big seller, since I am single, singular.

'm the greatest miracle of nature.


will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.

What I do with this last day of incalculable value that I have? First seal the contents of life so that not a drop was spilled on the sand. I will not lose even for a moment lamenting the misfortunes of yesterday, the defeats of yesterday, suffering from yesterday, because why should I waste on bad what is good? Can

sand slide up on the clock? Will he leave the sun going down and where will it come from? "I can live again yesterday's mistakes and correct them? I can do to return the wounds of the past and heal? "I can become younger than yesterday? "I can go back on the evil that I have spoken, I cancel the blows struck, the pain I've caused? No, yesterday has been buried forever and not think about him anymore.

will live this day as if it were your last day of my life.

What I do then? Forgetting the past, nor will not think about tomorrow. Why throw the now behind maybe? Can tomorrow's sand run down the clock before it is today? "The sun rise twice this morning? "I can perform the tasks of tomorrow while I am on the road today? "I can put the gold in the morning in the bag today?
Can tomorrow's child be born today? Can death will occur tomorrow projecting its shadow backward and darken the joy of today? Should I worry about events that may never contemplated? Should I torment problems that may never happen?
! No Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday, and not think about him anymore.

will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.

This day is all I have, and these times are now my eternity. I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is commuted the death sentence. I raise my arms with thanks for this priceless gift of a new day. Also

chest smite me with gratitude to consider all who greeted the sunrise yesterday and today were not among the living. I really am a lucky man and the times of today are something extra, undeserved. Why was I allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I have died? Is it that have served their purpose while mine is incomplete? Is this another opportunity to become
in the man I know I can be? Is there a purpose in nature? Is this my day to distinguish myself?

will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.
I have only one life, and life is nothing but a measure of time. When bad spending one destroyed the other.

If you waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, try gently
and love every minute because they will not return ever. Can not be preserved for use today, tomorrow, who can catch the wind? Grab with both hands every minute of this day and cherish it with affection as their value is incalculable. What dying man can purchase another breath though is willing to give him all their gold? What value to assign to the hours I have left? The consider priceless.

will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.

shirk hard to kill all that time. The indecision

destroy them with the action; bury doubts under the faith, fear laconfianza destroy them with. Do not listen to idle lips, I do not stay where there are idle hands, idle people will not visit. From here on out I know that the court idleness is equivalent to stealing food, warm clothes and those we love. I am not a thief. I am a man who feels love in his heart and today's the last chance to show my love and my greatness.

will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.

fulfill today's duties today. Today cherish my children while they are still children, tomorrow will be gone, and me too. Today my wife hug and kiss gently, morning and will not and neither am I, today's friend will lend you need help, tomorrow I do not cry for help, nor I may hear their cries.

Today I sacrifice and I devote to work, tomorrow I will have nothing to give, and there is nothing to receive.

will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.

And if it's my last day will be my greatest monument. This day I will make the best of my life.
This day will take advantage of the minutes until its maximum. Savor it and give thanks.

I will take all the hours and minutes canjearé only something of value.

will work harder than ever and will demand my muscles until they ask for relief, and still continue. I will make more visits than ever. Sell \u200b\u200bmore goods than ever.

I earn more gold than ever. Every minute of today will be more productive and fruitful than hours of yesterday. My last day will be my best day.

will live this day as if it were the last of my existence.

And if not, I'll fall on your knees and give thanks.


Today I will be master of my emotions.
The tide rises, the tide. Winters and summer comes. Summer declines and increases the cold. The sun rises, the sun sets.

The moon is full, the moon is black. Birds arrive and then depart. Flowers bloom, the flowers wither.

is sown the seed crop is harvested. All nature is a cycle of moods and I am part of nature, and as the tide, my moods will rise; my moods will fall.

Today I will be master of my emotions.

is one of the tricks of nature, weakly understood, that every day I wake up with states mood has changed since yesterday. The joy of yesterday become today's sadness, yet today's sadness will become the joy of the morning. Inside me there's a wheel that constantly changes from sadness to joy, transport of joy to depression, from happiness to melancholy. A like the flowers, the buds of joy today will fade and break down, yet remember that the dried flowers of today are the seeds of tomorrow bud, and the sadness of today contains the seed of tomorrow's joy.

Today I will be master of my emotions.

And how will I master these emotions so that each day to be productive? For unless my mood is right, my life will be a failure. Trees and plants depend on the time to blossom, but I drew up my own time, I say, take it with me.

But if I offer my clients rain and gloom and darkness and gloom, react with sadness, darkness and gloom and I do not buy anything.

If I bring joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter to my clients, react with joy and enthusiasm, clarity and joy, and my time will produce a harvest of sales and a granary of gold.

Today I will be master of my emotions.

And how will I master my emotions so that every day is a happy day and productive? Learn the secret of the ages: Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control their thoughts.

Every day when I awake, I will follow this plan of battle before being captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity and I feel depressed fracaso.Si, sing.

If I feel sad, laugh.

If I feel ill I will double my labor.

If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.

If I feel inferior, wear new garments.

If I feel unsafe, I will raise my voice.

If I feel poverty, think of future wealth.

If I feel incompetent, remember past successes.

If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.

Today I will be master of my emotions.

From now on, know that only those with inferior ability can always be at its highest level, and I am not inferior. There will be days when you have to constantly battle against forces that would tear me.

Although discouragement and sadness are easily recognized, others close to us with a smile and a friendly handshake but can also destroy. Against them, I must also be always on alert.

If it takes over my overconfidence, I recall my failures.

If I am inclined to surrender in excess of the good life, remember past famines.

If I feel complacency remember my competitors.

If I enjoy moments of greatness remember moments of shame.

If I feel powerful, try to stop the wind.

If I attain great wealth, remember a hungry mouth.

If I feel too proud to remember a moment of weakness.

If I think my skill is unmatched, look at the stars.

Today I will be master of my emotions.

And with this new knowledge also will understand and recognize the moods of those who visit it. Tolerate his anger and irritation today because he knows the secret of mastering your mind. I can withstand his arrows and insults because I know that tomorrow will change and be a joy to visit.

most not judge a man for a single visit, I will not ever visit again tomorrow to show me one who now hate. Today will not buy gold chariots for a penny, yet tomorrow will exchange your home by a tree. The knowledge I have of this secret will be the key that opens the doors of my wealth.

Today I will be master of my emotions.

Henceforth acknowledge and identify the mystery of moods in all mankind, and me. From the moment I'm ready to master any type of personality awakes in me each day. Will master my moods through positive action and when you've mastered my moods, will control my destiny. Today

control my destiny and my destiny is to become the seller largest in the world.
I will own myself.
'll be great.


I laugh at the world.

No living creature can laugh, with the exception of man. Trees may be bleeding when injured, and the beasts of the field will complain of pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and is a gift that I can use when I want. Henceforth cultivate the habit of laughter.

will smile and my digestion will improve, I will laugh and my burdens will be eased, I laugh and my life will be lengthened, because it's secret long life and is now mine.

I laugh at the world.

And especially I laugh at myself because the man is most comical when taken too seriously. Never fall into this trap of the mind. Because even the greatest miracle of nature, am I not still a mere grain of sand tossed by the winds of time? Do I know really where I came from and where am I going? My concern for this day not seem foolish ten years? Why let the insignificant events of today I disturb? What can happen before the sun set not seem insignificant in the river the centuries?

And how I laugh when I face a man or actions that hurt me and cause me tears and curses? Learn to repeat three words until they become a habit so strong that it immediately appear in my mind whenever good humor threatens to depart from me. These words, transmitted by the former, I will triumph in adversity and maintain my life in balance. These three words are: This too shall pass.

I laugh at the world.

For all worldly things will cease. I feel deeply grieved when I will console myself thinking that this too shall pass, and when I feel proud of the success warn me that this too shall pass. When I feel oppressed by poverty tell me that this too shall pass, when you are overwhelmed with riches remember that this too shall pass.

Indeed, where is he who built the pyramid? Is not buried within its stone? And the pyramid some day be buried under the sand? If all these things will happen, why should I care about today?

I laugh at the world.

Pintaré this day with laughter, I will frame this night in song. Never work to be happy, more While I will work hard to not be sad. I will enjoy today's happiness today. There is a grain to be stored in a box. It is a wine to be stored in a jar. Can not be preserved for tomorrow. Be planted and harvested the same day and this will from now on.

I laugh at the world.

And with my laughter all things will be reduced in proportion. I laugh at my failures and will vanish in clouds of new dreams, I laugh at my successes and will be reduced to its true value. I laugh at the good, and it will thrive and abound. The day will be triumphant only when my smiles provoke smiles on others, and this I do it for interest,
because those who would do evil act will not buy my goods.

I laugh at the world.

From now on just pour sweat tears, because tears born of sadness, remorse, frustration, they have no market value, while every smile can be redeemed for gold and every kind word, spoken from the heart, can build a castle.
never let me become so important, so wise, so grave and quiet, so powerful, that I forgot to laugh at myself and my world. In this case will always remain a child, because only as a child has given me the ability to admire others, and while I never admire another will form an opinion of myself too.

I laugh at the world.

And while I can laugh I shall never be poor. This is then one of the greatest gifts of nature, and not malgastaré more. Only with laughter and happiness I can become a real success. Only with laughter and happiness I can enjoy the fruits of my labor. Otherwise, it would be better to fail, because happiness is the wine that sharpens the taste of food. To enjoy success I must have happiness, and laughter will be the maiden who serves me

I'll be happy.

I will succeed.

I'll be the biggest seller that the world has known.


Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

A mulberry leaf touched by the genius of man becomes silk.

A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.

A cypress touched by the genius of man becomes a shrine.

A fleece touched by the genius of man becomes a cloak for a king.

And if possible leaves and clay and wood and wool value multiplied by one hundred percent, I say, a thousand men, "I can not do the same with the clay which bears my name?

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

I like the grain of wheat who would face three future. Wheat can be placed in a bag and thrown into a stall to feed the pigs. Or it can be ground into flour and then bread. O can be sown in the earth to grow until its golden spikes produce a thousand grains.
'm like a grain of wheat with one difference. The wheat can not choose to be fed to swine, ground for bread, or planted to multiply. I have the right to choose and do not let my life is food for the pigs and I will be crushed under the rocks of failure and despair, and broken, being devoured by the will of others.
Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

To grow and multiply is necessary to plant the wheat grain in the darkness of the earth, and my failure, my despair, my ignorance and inabilities are the darkness in which I have been planted to mature. Now, like the grain of wheat that will sprout and bear fruit only if it is nourished by the rain and sun and warm winds, I too must nurture my body and mind to fulfill my dreams. But to grow to its fullness the wheat must wait for the vagaries of nature. But I need not expect anything because I have the power to choose my own destiny. Today

multiply my value a hundredfold.

And how will achieve this? First I will set goals for the day, week, month, year and my life. Just as the rain must fall before the wheat grain to break his shell and sprout, so I too must have goals and objectives for my life to crystallize. Set goals to remember my best works of the past and multiply it one hundred percent.

This will be the standard by which live in the future. I never worry that my goals are too high, as perhaps is not it better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle than to aim my spear at an eagle and strike only a rock? Today

multiply my value a hundredfold.

The extent of my goals, though perhaps not amaze me stumble before reaching them. If I stumble I will rise again and my falls will not worry me because all men must stumble often before you get home. Only the worm is free from worry of stumbling. And I am not a worm. I am not an onion either. I am not a sheep. I am a man. Let others build a cave with clay. For my part I will build a castle with mine.

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

And as the sun must warm the earth to produce the wheat plant, so the words of these scrolls warm my life and my dreams become reality. Today it is more than every action I made yesterday. Climb the mountain today with all the skill I have, and yet climb higher tomorrow than today, the next day higher than yesterday.

Exceeding the facts of the other is irrelevant, the surpass my own deeds is what it all means.

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

And as the warm wind makes maturing wheat, the same winds will carry my voice to those who hear me and my words will announce my goals. Once delivered, I dare not withdraw what I said for fear of humiliation. Be like my own prophet and though all laugh at my statements, they will hear my plans, know my dreams.

And so there will be no escape for me until my words become accomplished facts.

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

not commit the terrible crime of aiming too low.

work carried out, a failure will not perform.

always stretch out my arm beyond what is within my reach.

not ever stay happy with my performance in the market.

always expand on my goals as soon as reached.

always will try that next time is better than this.

my goals always proclaim to the world.

Yet never proclaim my accomplishments. Change the world approach me with praise and I have wisdom to receive it with humility.

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

A grain of wheat when multiplied one hundred percent will produce one hundred stems.

Multiply these one hundred percent, ten times and fed to all cities in the world. Am I not more than a grain of wheat?

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.

And when you've done this I will repeat again and again, and there will be astonishment and wonder at my greatness, in circumstances that the words of these scrolls are fulfilled in me.


My dreams are worthless, my plans are like dust, my goals impossible.

All that is worthless unless it is followed by action.

act now.

has never been a map, they have been very accurate detail and scale, carrying its owner a centimeter away. There has never been a legal document, so just that was, which prevented a crime. Never has there been a scroll, even as I hold now, that has earned a penny or produced a single word of acclamation. Only the action is the spark that ignites the map, the paper, parchment, my dreams, my plans, my goals, to make them a living force
. Action is my food and drink nourish my success.

act now.

The delay has subjected me was the daughter of fear and now I recognize this secret mined from the depths of brave hearts. Now is that to conquer fear I must always proceed without hesitation and trembling of my heart will disappear. And now I know that action reduces the lion of terror to an ant of equanimity.

act now.

From now on, remember the lesson of the firefly
casts its light only when flying, but when in action. I'll become a lightning bug and even during
will my day despite the sun shining. Others are like butterflies who preen
wings, and yet depend on the charity of a flower to live.
be like a firefly and my light will illuminate the world.

act now.

not shirk the tasks of today nor tomorrow postergaré because I know that tomorrow never comes. Let me now proceed even though my actions do not bring happiness or success, it is best to proceed and fail to remain inactive and out of step with difficulty. Happiness, in fact, may not be the fruit plucked by my action, yet without action all fruit die in its stem.
act now.

act now. Act now. Act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words constantly, every hour, every day, every day, until they become a habit as breathing and actions continue to be something as instinctive as the blinking. With these words I can prepare the mind to perform any act necessary for my success with them I can prepare the mind to meet every challenge that eludes e1 failed.

act now.

repeat these words again and again. The utter when I wake jumping my bed, while sleeping one hour failed.

act now.

When you enter the market and immediately confronted with the utter my first client, while the failed meditate at length about the possibility of the snub.

act now.

When I am in front of a camera, the utter, and then call failed while waiting outside with fear and trembling.

act now.

The utter when I confront the temptation, and proceed immediately to get me myself wrong.

Act now.

When tempted to give up the fight to begin tomorrow, utter these words and immediately proceed to consummate another sale.

act now.

Only action determines my value in the market, and multiply my value I will multiply my actions. Transitaré where the failure fears to walk.

will work when the failure seeks rest. I'll talk when the failure remains silent. I will visit ten people who can buy my goods, while the failure is made grandiose plans to visit one. Affirm that the work is accomplished before that the failure says it is too late.

act now.

Because now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day set aside even the work of the lazy. I'm not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when evil becomes good. I'm not bad. Tomorrow is the day when the weak become strong. I'm not weak. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure.

act now.

When the lion is hungry, eat. When the eagle feel thirsty, drink. If not applicable, if not act, they would die.

I have hunger for success. I have a thirst for happiness and peace of mind. If you do not come, if not act, perish in a life of failure, misery, and sleepless nights.

impart orders and obey my own orders.

act now.

Success will not wait. If it takes me as a bride will marry another and
lose forever.

Now is the right time, this is the place. I'm the man.

act now.


What man has so little faith in a time of great disaster and distress not invoked their God? Who has not cried when he has been confronted with danger, death, or a mystery than understanding or experience normal? Where does this deep instinct, which is expressed by the mouth of all living beings in times of danger?

Shake hands quickly in the eyes of some, and his eyelids blink. Give one a tap on the knee and leg will jump. Confront another with a horror story and his lips say, "My God", under the same impulse.

My life does not have to be saturated with religion to recognize this great mystery of nature. All beings that walk earth, including man, have the instinct to cry for help. Why is it that we have this instinct, this gift?

Are not our cries a form of prayer? Would not it be incomprehensible in a world governed by the laws of nature, give a sheep or a mule, or a bird or man the instinct to cry for help, if some superior mind also had not determined that the cry was heard by a higher power with the ability to listen and respond to our cry? Henceforth I will pray, but my cries asking for help will only cries on demand management.
never pray for material things of this world. I'm not calling a
servant to bring me food.

I'm not ordering a restaurant owner or landlord to give me room. Do not ever ask to give me gold or love or good health or petty victories or fame or success or happiness. Just pray for directives and guidance so that I can point the way to achieve these things and my prayer is always answered.

may receive direction and guidance that I seek, or maybe not, but are not these two things an answer? If the child asks for bread from his father and the father does not give it, do not you have answered the father?
pray for directives and guidance, and pray as a salesman, so:

Oh creator of all things, help me. For this day I naked and alone in the world, and without your hand to guide me I wander far from the road to success and happiness.

not ask for gold or garments or even opportunities equal to my ability, but instead it lead me to acquire ability equal to my opportunities.

You will have taught the lion and the eagle how to hunt and prosper with teeth and claws.
Teach me how to hunt and prosper with love words to be a lion among men and an eagle on the market. Help me

remain humble through obstacles and failures, but do not hide from my eyes the prize that come with victory.

Assign me tasks to which others have failed, but to guide me to pluck from their failures the seeds of success. Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit, but grant me the courage to laugh at my questions. Dame

enough to reach my goals, but help me to live today as if it were my last day

me through my words in order to bear fruit, but seal my lips to the gossip and that none be maligned. Discipline me

so that the habit of not ever let up, but show me how to use the law of averages. Put me with alertness to recognize opportunity, but grant me the patience which will concentrate my strength.

Bathe me in good habits for bad ones may drown, but give me compassion for the weaknesses of men. Let me know that everything will happen, but help me to count my blessings today.

Expose me to hate to not be a stranger, but my cup full of love so that they can turn strangers into friends.

But all these things be only if you will. I am just a small and lonely grape clinging to the vine, and yet I've done than everyone else. In fact there should be a special place for me. Guide me. Help me. Show me the path. Let

become all you planned for me since I select and plan my seed to germinate in the vineyard of the world.

Help this humble salesman.

Lead me, God.
Source: The Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandino.


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