Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Betty Crocker Pumpkin Spice Cookie

the two rabbits. Rodari

We have seen in class, the fable, which is a work of narrative genre that can be written in verse or prose.
This is a brief history, as well as entertain purpose is to convey a lesson, call moral. Now, you, after reading this story ought to say which is the moral.

For a thicket
followed by dogs,
not say ran, flew
a rabbit.

emerged from his burrow

a partner and said, "Stand,
friend, what is this?.

What it be?, Answers,
" breath came two
....." Rogues
greyhounds have been following me.

Yes, replies the other,
over there I see them,
but not dogs.
Why, they are?, Podencos.

What, Podencos say?
If, like my grandfather. Greyhounds Greyhounds and very
frowned I have them.

hounds are, well,
do not understand that.
are dogs, I say. I say

coming in this dispute
dogs neglected

caught my two rabbits.

Tomás de Iriarte.


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