Thursday, February 3, 2011

Used Skate Sharpening

Febrillet redeem the reputation of the UASD

(Journal-print edition today-Thursday, 3 February 2011)

candidate for president of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) Matthew Febrillet Aquino said yesterday that although three years of management will not solve all the problems of academia, is committed to the strategic plan that will regain the prestige it once had the house of higher learning.

said the first thing will be that same plan and in preparing a diagnosis on what affects the UASD. The elections will be held the next day 15.

stressed that will track the educational process, an important point to carry out administrative and governance.

Interviewed in the Tele-Morning 11, said that the proposal of three years will increase UASD involvement in what has to do with the generation of knowledge through research.


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